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Precision die casting products have high requirements for strength and toughness of the product, and the working performance and service life of the product are closely related to the surface treatment of the product. However, only relying on the material properties and the processing technology cannot meet the expected requirements, so, what are the surface treatment processes for precision die casting products?


The surface treatment of precision die casting products needs to be divided into two aspects. The first is the process when manufacturing the die casting mold, mirror polishing can be applied on the surface of the mold cavity to achieve a better surface effect of the die casting product. The second is to apply another surface treatment on the finished die casting parts, currently, technologies such as hardened film deposition and nitriding are commonly used.


Among the above three surface treatment methods, nitriding technology is the most practical, because, through nitriding technology, the product can obtain a higher surface finish, also, the temperature required by this process is lower, and the deformation of the product in the later step will be smaller. Therefore, nitriding technology plays an important position in the surface treatment process of precision die casting products.

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